Respect (newspaper)

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description Weekly newspaper
publishing company Economia as
First edition 1990
Frequency of publication weekly
Sold edition 36,272 copies
(ABC ČR 2019)
Editor-in-chief Erik Tabery
editor Economia as
Web link

Respekt is a weekly newspaper published in the Czech Republic with a focus on politics, business, science and culture.

Respekt is considered a liberal paper and stands for investigative journalism and background articles. For example, respect played a crucial role in solving the luxury apartment affair of the then Czech Prime Minister Stanislav Gross .

In 2005, Respekt was voted weekly newspaper of the year by the Czech Publishers' Association (Czech: Unie vydavatelů ).

In addition, Respekt is known for the artistically sophisticated front page.


Respect was founded by dissidents as one of the first independent newspapers very soon after the collapse of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia and was initially called Informační servis Občanského Fóra (German: Information Service of the Citizens' Forum ). The newspaper has had its current name since 1990.

Some of those responsible and employees of Respekt later made political careers, such as the long-standing Czech Interior Minister Jan Ruml .

In the mid-1990s, the circulation peaked with over 100,000 copies sold. In 1996 the weekly newspaper was bought by Karel Schwarzenberg . In the following years, however, the circulation decreased, the publisher R-PRESSE, spol. s ro was in the red.

Editor-in-chief Erik Tabery (2018)

In June 2006, Zdeněk Bakala joined as a new investor and appointed Miloš Čermák as the new director. Dissatisfied with this decision, almost all members of the editorial team terminated their contracts in September 2006. A few weeks later an agreement was reached and the new editor-in-chief was Martin M. Šimečka, the previous editor-in-chief of the Slovak daily SME .

In 2008 the circulation was 17,000 copies sold, the reach of around 90,000 readers (117,000 2008).

Šimečka was replaced by Erik Tabery in January 2009 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kancelář ověřování nákladů tisku
  2. Mediaprojekt 2008 ( Memento of the original from March 24, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 477 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /