Retention (medicine)

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A retention ( lat. Retentio , the retention ') referred to in the medicine in general the retention of certain substances or liquids. In the narrower sense, it can be understood as a functional disorder that has the effect that the substance of interest cannot be excreted to a sufficient extent . The term can also be applied to organs or parts of organs.

In trauma surgery , retention is understood to mean maintaining the reduction , i.e. immobilizing a fracture .

In orthopedics , retention means the corrective holding back of deformities using orthoses .


  • Retentio alvi : retention of stool, constipation
  • Retentio dentis : prevented tooth eruption
  • Retentio mensium : retention of menstrual blood, amenorrhoea spuria
  • Retentio placentae : non-expulsion, retention of the placenta, placental retention; referred to in veterinary medicine as retentio secundinarum ( postpartum restraint )
  • Retentio testis : testicular retention
  • Retentio urinae : urinary retention , urinary obstruction, urinary obstruction
  • (English) enhanced permeability and retention (= "increased permeability and retention"): passive accumulation of macromolecules, liposomes or nanoparticles in tumor tissues, see EPR effect