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A retinometer is an examination instrument used by the ophthalmologist . It measures the resolving power of the retina in the eye with the help of interference patterns that are generated by two coherent laser light sources. Depending on the distance between the light sources and the retina, coarse or fine line patterns are created. The finest line pattern that can still be recognized by the examined corresponds to his retinal resolving power.

The retinometer is important for examining the eye with changed light-refracting media (lens, cornea). It is often used to assess whether a patient could see better after cataract surgery and to help assess whether there are any other pathologies.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Franz Grehn: Ophthalmology. 29th, revised and updated edition. Springer Medicine, Heidelberg 2006, ISBN 3-540-25699-7 , p. 37.