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Classification according to ICD-10
H33.1 Retinoschisis and cysts of the retina
Q14.1 Congenital retinoschisis
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

Retinoschisis (Greek schisis split) describes a primary retinal split (split of the retina ) in two layers with layer ruptures and mostly bilateral retinal defects (perforated, vascular membrane formations).

There is the acquired form of retinoschisis, which shows up in middle age, most often in farsighted men 50 and over. Treatment used to be laser and cryotherapy to prevent the disease from getting worse. The laser treatment previously practiced has now been abandoned because it cannot prevent progression.

The rare form of juvenile (congenital) retinoschisis is linked to the X chromosome and is inherited recessively . This form leads to severe visual impairments in children and can even lead to blindness.


  • Pschyrembel Clinical Dictionary, 256th edition, de Gruyter 1990. p. 1442.