Retorsion (criminal law)

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Retorsion in the criminal sense refers to retaliation between minor bodily harm or between insult and minor bodily harm or vice versa or between insults on both sides. Retorsion is therefore a special case of Talion . "Counter-insult" and (older) "counter scolding" are synonymous.


In Germany, § 199 StGB applies (mutually committed insults): "If an insult is replied on the spot, the judge can declare both offenders or one of them to be exempt from punishment."


  • Ernst von Beling : The historical development of the retorsion and compensation of insults and bodily harm. Wroclaw 1894.

Individual evidence

  1. Counter-insult . In: Adelung: Grammatical-Critical Dictionary of High German Dialect .
  2. ^ Retorsion . In: Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): German legal dictionary . tape 11 , issue 5/6 (edited by Heino Speer and others). Hermann Böhlaus successor, Weimar 2005, ISBN 3-7400-1230-7 ( ).