Revolutionary youth association in Germany

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The Revolutionary Youth Association of Germany (RJVD), founded in autumn 1973, was the youth organization of the KABD .


The Revolutionary Youth Association of Germany emerged from the merger of the Revolutionary Youth (Marxist-Leninists) - RJ (ML) and the Communist Youth Association of Germany - Revolutionary Way (KJVD-RW). While the KJVD-RW only became aware of local publications in Düsseldorf, the RJ (ML), which was mainly distributed in southwest Germany and northern Bavaria, had a central organ in newspaper format entitled Rebel (previously, from late 1968, appeared as the Red SDAJ Opposition ), which initially was also continued by the RJVD and, above all, should address the budding apprentice movement in Germany.

From January 1975, the rebel was replaced by the youth magazine Der Stachel , which was discontinued after a short time and on the 2nd Association Delegate Day on 22/23. November 1975 was replaced again by the rebel . At the time of the publication of the sting , important parts of the RJVD in Saarland and Hesse, including the association management, which broke away from the parent organization, the KABD , split off . At the end of 1975 the number of copies of the Rebell was given internally as 6,500 copies.

The RJVD was a Marxist youth organization with Leninist, Stalinist and Maoist features. The majority consisted of young apprentices, workers and employees. He performed his anti-capitalist-oriented work primarily in vocational schools, factories and trade unions, but also in other areas of society, for example in the anti-militarist struggle in the Bundeswehr and in public spaces or the youth house movement.

With the dissolution of the ML movement in Germany and the persistence in the ideology of Stalinism and worker-bustling economism, many members again parted from the RJVD. Many of them are still fighting today as communists against capitalism and for communism (in various areas of society), others are active in the MLPD (successor organization) founded in 1982 .

Prominent members

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. RJVD-VL: Documents of the 2nd Association delegates the day of the Revolutionary Youth Association Germany . o. O. 1976