Richard Hoffmann (artist)

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Richard Hoffmann (* 1930 in Lebach ) is a German sculptor , painter and draftsman.


Richard Hoffmann studied painting from 1949 to 1954 at the State School for Art and Crafts in Saarbrücken with Boris Kleint and Frans Masereel and sculpture with Theo Siegle. After passing his diploma, Hoffmann was a scholarship holder at the Académie de la Grande-Chaumière in Paris in 1954/55 and from 1957 to 1962 at the University of Fine Arts in Berlin, where he studied art history with Will Grohmann and was a master class student at the university. Painter friendships with Georg Baselitz, Eugen Schönebeck, Matthias Koeppel and Arwed Gorella date from this time. Numerous study trips took him through Europe, Asia Minor, the Middle East and Africa. From 1969 to 1989 he worked as an art teacher.

From 1963 to 1989 Hoffmann occupied himself almost exclusively with sculpture; from 1983 he increasingly found his way back to painting. In 1987/1988 he published his first Cell Tectonist Manifesto , followed by the second in 2004.


Hofmann created numerous large sculptures and fountains in public spaces. Among them is the Memorial of Peace on the Schaumberg in Tholey (Saarland) as a large bronze relief, which was created on the initiative of French President Charles de Gaulle and Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer in 1976. The more than 5 meter long bronze relief barriers in front of it were stolen in 2011. The relief barriers, the heads, arms and hands hurrying towards each other, are symbols of the coming together of peoples in peace.


  • Richoff: founder of cell tectonic sculpture and painting. Catalog raisonné, Classical Modernism - Cell divisionism, Paris - Berlin - Lebach. Self-published, Lebach 2019.


  • 1949: Le Center de Métiers d'art Sarrois , Pavillon Marsan, Palais du Louvre, Paris
  • 1952: Frans Masereel and his students , Saarland Museum , Saarbrücken
  • 1953: Palais des Beaux-arts, Paris
  • 1954: State Museum, Trier Annual exhibition of the School of Arts and Crafts, with Boris Kleint
  • 1956: Kulturhaus Homburg / Saar 1959 Maison Air France, Berlin
  • 1961: University of the Arts, Berlin
  • 1967: 20 years of painting at the Staatliche Werkkunstschule Saarbrücken. Class Boris Kleint, Congress Hall, Saarbrücken
  • 1971: Modern Gallery , Saarbrücken
  • 1974: Symposium Stahl und Stein Wort . Gallery Monika Beck, Homburg / Saar

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Hoffmann, Richard , Institute for Current Art, accessed on November 18, 2019
  2. Günter Scharwath: The big Künstlerlexikon the Saar region. Geistkirch, Saarbrücken 2017, p. 442.