Ring binding

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The ring binding , also called spiral binding , is a popular type of book or leaf binding that is particularly popular for presentations. A kind of double spiral is formed with a metal wire, which runs through the previously perforated paper sheets. Sometimes some kind of plastic comb is also used. It is an inexpensive and at the same time stable type of binding. The disadvantage is that the necessary perforation of the leaves means that usable space is lost.


Different spiral diameters are used depending on the thickness of the book or calendar. A distinction is made between plastic spirals (made of hard PVC) and wire spirals (coated with a thin nylon sheath).


Colloquially, shapes are often called spirals , even though it is a screw figure. However, the term spiral binding has become firmly established in everyday language. As explained above, the spiral binding is just a special form of the ring binding.

Mixing the two terms is misleading, as no distinction is made between rings and spirals, although in one case there are separate or discrete connections between the perforations (ring) and in the other case indiscreet connections (spiral), i.e. the connection all perforations with each other.

See also