Rishikesh series

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The Rishikesh series is a sequence of yoga postures (asana) in Hatha Yoga in the tradition of Swami Sivananda . It is named after the Indian town of Rishikesh . The term la série de Rishikesh was probably first used by André Van Lysebeth in his book J'apprends le yoga . Lysebeth learned the series in Rishikesh at the Sivananda Ashram. Outside of the Francophone and German-speaking areas, the expression is little known.


The Rishikesh series was "found" by Swami Sivananda according to his own statements. According to Tony Sanchez, founder of the US Yoga Association , Sivananda is said to have developed his Hatha Yoga together with the Indian Hathayogi and bodybuilder Bishnu Charan Ghosh . BC Ghosh himself taught a number of 84 asanas.


The series is not precisely defined and can vary. André Van Lysebeth has 12 positions, including Uddiyana Bandha , Nauli and breathing exercises . In other traditions, these exercises, which are not actual asanas, are not part of the Rishikesh series. In Germany, a series of 12 asanas is usually taught.

The Rishikesh series based on André von Lysebeth

The Rishikesh Series of Asana
Série de Rishikesh
No. Asana
Sanskrit name
French name  
German name  
Duration image
1. Sarvangasana Chandelle Shoulder stand 1 minute Raja sarvangasana.jpg
2. Halasana Charrue plow 2 minutes
including dyn. phase
3. Matsyasana Poisson fish 1 minute  
4th Pashchimotanasana Pince Pliers 2 minutes Paschimottanasana.jpg
5. Bhujangasana le Cobra cobra 1 minute
including dyn. phase
Ardha bhujangasana.jpg
6th Shalabhasana Sauterelle grasshopper 1 minute Niralamba-shalabhasana.jpg
7th Dhanurasana Arc arc 1/2 minute Raja dhanurasana.jpg
8th. Ardha-Matsyendrasana torsion Swivel seat 1 minute Matsyendrasana.JPG
9. Shirshasana Pose sur la Tete Headstand 1 to 10 minutes
or more
Raja shirshasana.jpg
10. Uddiyana Bandha
or Nauli
    1 to 2 minutes Nauli1.JPG
11. Pranayama Respiratory breathing 3 minutes  
12. Shavasana Relaxation Relaxation 3 minutes Uttara shavasana 1.jpg


  1. ^ Mark Singleton: Yoga Body. The origins of modern posture practice. Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0-19-539535-8 , p. 135.
  2. André van Lysebeth: J'apprends le yoga. Flammarion, 1968.
  3. ^ André van Lysebeth: Yoga for people of today. Heyne book no.4529 (7th edition) 1981.


  • André van Lysebeth: Yoga for people of today. 7th edition Munich 1981, ISBN 3-453-41205-2 . (Heyne book no.4529)

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