Blösien manor

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The manor Blösien is a listed building in the village of Blösien, part of the Geusa district of the city of Merseburg in Saxony-Anhalt . The oldest is the middle wing of the manor house, the construction time of which is estimated to be around 1550 and to which two side wings from different eras adjoin on the right and left.


The manor in the village belonged to the aristocratic Hacke family at the end of the 16th century, of which Otto Hacke is named as the last representative in 1604. In 1612 AndreaS VON Bothfeld already owned the property, from which it passed to his two sons Melchior and Hans Christoph von Bothfeld at the latest in 1640. Hans Siegmund von Bothfeld preferred the neighboring manor Geusa as his residence and was forced to sell the indebted "weak" fiefdom Blösien in 1700 to the widow of Melchior von Bothfeld and her heirs. They immediately turned it into cash and sold it in several stages between 1701 and 1703 to Wolf Friedrich von Tümpling auf Posewitz and Zöthen, kp.-ks. Chamberlain in the Merseburg monastery and chief forest master who died on September 29, 1728 in Merseburg as a princely Saxon hunter. His four sons inherit the manor Blösien and agreed with their widowed mother that the second oldest son Heinrich Carl von Tümpling (born September 22, 1699 in Merseburg), first canon, then provost of Merseburg. the manor Blösien takes over as sole owner in return for payment from the siblings. He died on May 13, 1773 as Provost of Merseburg, heir, feudal and court lord on Tümpling and Blösien as well as ducal-saxony-gotha-Altenburg tax collector of the Eisenberg district without heirs. As a result, the manor Blösien fell to his two brothers, Christian Gottlob von Tümpling and Carl Friedrich von Tümpling, who were still alive. Both agreed on September 20, 1773 that the former would receive the estate alone.

He died on November 18, 1779 in Boblas without heirs. Blösien fell to the next co-leaned and brother Carl Friedrich von Tümpling, who sold Blösien on March 29, 1780 to Christoph Ferdinand von Breitenbauch on Bucha. The purchase price was 11,271 guilders.

After 1780, Christoph Ferdinand von Breitenbauch took care of the partial reconstruction of the residential and farm buildings. He died as heir, feudal lord and court lord on Blösien unmarried at the age of 66 on September 4, 1810 in Blösien. The estate fell to his two brothers, Hans Heinrich von Breitenbauch zu Weißenfels, heir, feudal lord and court lord from Schkortleben and Oeglitzsch, and Georg August von Breitenbauch zu Bucha, ducal-Saxon councilor. On May 8, 1811, the former waived his half after the payment, whereby Georg August von Breitenbauch became the sole owner.

Georg August von Breitenbauch died on September 15, 1817 in Bucha as a councilor. His feudal heirs were the three sons Georg Ludwig von Breitenbauch, Heinrich Ferdinand von Breitenbauch and Wilhelm August von Breitenbauch, who together sold the Blösien manor on January 16, 1818 to the Anhalt Finance Councilor August Ludwig Behr from Köthen, who sold it on at a profit the following year . In the years that followed, until the land reform was expropriated, the owners changed frequently. Today the estate is back in private hands.


  • Clementine von Breitenbuch, Asta von Breitenbuch, Matthias Donath , Lars-Arne Dannenberg: Red rafters on a blue background. The von Breitenbuch family (Breitenbauch) in Saxony and Thuringia (= nobility in Saxony, volume 8), Meißen 2016, p. 436f.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Clementine von Breitenbuch, Asta von Breitenbuch, Matthias Donath , Lars-Arne Dannenberg: Red rafters on a blue background. The von Breitenbuch family (Breitenbauch) in Saxony and Thuringia (= nobility in Saxony, volume 8), Meißen 2016, p. 436.
  2. The statement that Christoph Ferdinand von Breitenbauch bequeathed the manor only to his brother Georg August von Breitenbauch, cf. Clementine von Breitenbuch, Asta von Breitenbuch, Matthias Donath , Lars-Arne Dannenberg: Red rafters on a blue background. The von Breitenbuch family (Breitenbauch) in Saxony and Thuringia (= nobility in Saxony, volume 8), Meißen 2016, p. 223 and p. 436, is incorrect.

Coordinates: 51 ° 19 ′ 56.7 "  N , 11 ° 55 ′ 27.5"  E