Robert Henryson

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Dunfermline Abbey in the 17th century

Robert Henryson was a 15th century Scottish poet and one of the most important Scottish writers of the time. He is counted among the Scottish Makars .


Little is known about his life. He was likely born between 1420 and 1430. From the mention in William Dunbar's Lament for the Makars (1500 to 1506) it can be seen that he died before 1506. He did not see the end of King James IV and his downfall when the war with England broke out. According to Francis Kynaston (1639) and information in his poems, he has reached a great age. Kynaston translated his Testament of Cresseid into Latin. This is Henryson's most famous poem and continues to tell Troilus and Cressida by Geoffrey Chaucer . Henryson likely graduated from Glasgow University and had a bachelor's degree which enabled him to practice as a notary. It is clear from his writings that he was well educated. After the edition of his The Morall Fabillis of 1569/70 he was a schoolmaster in Dunfermline . He lived in troubled times in Scotland, but at that time the cultural influences of the French and Italian Renaissance existed. Like the other Scottish Makars, he was influenced by Geoffrey Chaucer.

He published in Central Scottish. His main works are Fables after Aesop (The Morall Fabillis), some of which date from the 1480s, and The Testament of Cresseid . There are also poems like The Abbey walk and Robene and Makeyne .

Representation of Henryson at Abbot House, Dunfermline

Work editions

  • Charles Elliott (Eds.), Robert Henryson, Poems. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1963 (selection)
  • Denton Fox (Ed.): The Poems of Robert Henryson. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1981
  • David Laing (Ed.): Robert Henryson, The Poems and Fables. Edinburgh: William Patterson, 1865
  • G. Gregory Smith: The Poems of Robert Henryson, 3 volumes, Edinburgh: William Blackwood for The Scottish Text Society (No. 55, 58, 64), 1906, 1908, 1914
  • H. Harvey Wood (Ed.): The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson. Edinburgh: Oliver Boyd, 1933, reprinted 1958


  • Douglas Gray: Robert Henryson. Leiden: Brill, 1979
  • Robert L. Kindrick: Robert Henryson. Twayne's English Author Series 274.Boston: GK Hall, 1979
  • John MacQueen: Robert Henryson. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1967
  • Matthew McDiarmid: Robert Henryson. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1981.
  • Sergio Rossi: Robert Henryson, Milan: Carlo Marzorati, 1955
  • Marshall Stearns : Robert Henryson. New York: Columbia University Press, 1949.
  • Arthur R. Diebler: Henrisone's fable poems, dissertation Leipzig 1885

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Scottish a bard, in the narrower sense a circle of Renaissance poets in Scotland, including Henryson William Dunbar , Jacob I , Gavin Douglas
  2. Robert Child Rick (ed.) The poems of Robert Henryson, 1997