Robot Karol

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Robot Karol is a programming environment for the same in plain German -held programming . It was developed to help students with the programming of simple virtual robots to the algorithms introduce. The basic idea comes from the book Karel the Robot: A Gentle Introduction to The Art of Programming .


Robot Karol is a significantly expanded version of the original Slovak version "Robot Karol ++", which Ulli Freiberger has translated into German since 2001 . Thus, Robot Karol direct and modern descendant of "Karel the Robot" as well as an alternative to turtle graphics and Niki - the robot . The current version is 3.0.4 from September 21, 2019.


Robot Karol is known as a so-called "Mini-Language", a language that is primarily intended to give students a first look at programming and algorithms . It is particularly useful for beginners that Robot Karol is a programming language and programming environment at the same time, which makes further installations, for example that of an editor or a compiler for translating the source text into machine code, unnecessary. Furthermore, the written programs for the virtual robot can be executed directly with an integrated interpreter , which facilitates the detection of errors during runtime in the graphic interface of Karol's world.

The methods learned here can easily be transferred to "Java Karol". This is a Java - library , which was also developed by Ulli Freiberger in 2008 and currently is in version 1.1. With it it is possible to use methods based on Robot Karol within a Java source code in order to be introduced to object-oriented programming . The Karol universe thus offers an interface to one of the so-called higher programming languages .

The language

The language is made up of predefined instructions (for example Schrittor LinksDrehen), predefined conditions (for example IstWandor NichtIstWand) and control structures (for example wiederhole). These three elements are fully documented in the manual (which can be accessed from the application). It is also possible to define instructions and conditions within the realities of the language yourself. It is possible to use parameters, but the number of these parameters is limited to one. Recursion is possible, but not with parameters. There are no other forms of variables or operators.

Sample program

A simple example program in which Karol runs to the next wall and then makes a sound. In order to facilitate any later access to this action, it is defined as an instruction .

 {This is a comment}

 Instruction search wall
   Repeat as long as there is no wall
   * repeat
 * Instruction

     Search wall


Web links

Wikibooks: Programming Robot Karol  - Learning and Teaching Materials

Individual evidence

  1. History of the mebis information portal of the Bavarian State Media Center. Retrieved July 28, 2017
  2. Overview of Karel's developments (PDF, ≈ 1.7 MB) mebis information portal of the Bavarian Media Center. Retrieved July 28, 2017
  3. Karel The Robot - on, accessed March 1, 2014
  4. ^ Robot Karol - mebis. Retrieved June 13, 2019 .
  5. Java Karol mebis information portal of the Bavarian State Media Center. Retrieved July 28, 2017