Rome intense

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Rome intense , subtitle My Year in the Eternal City , is the literary expression of the scholarship from the German Academy Rome Villa Massimo , which the writer Feridun Zaimoglu was awarded in 2005.

The stories, which are held in glosses, were first published in 2005 as a weekly series in the Kieler Nachrichten . The book with the 54 short stories describing Zaimoglu's life in Rome was published in 2007.

For Anja Hirsch from the FAZ, the book contains "daily sketches (made by hand)". The reviewer is delighted with the author's "love for stories". Volker Breidecker from the Süddeutsche Zeitung even says he is downright in love with the "weird, little" book. The book has been compared several times with Rolf Dieter Brinkmann's Rome work. The NZZ editors note, however, that Zaimoglu's work is no longer desperate for the disruption of “civilization”, but rather confronts it with “sympathetically sloppy nonchalance”.

Single receipts
