Round pen

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Monty Roberts with a horse in a round pen

A round pen is a round, fenced-in place on which the horse is worked on a circular path.


A round pen should be at least 18 m in diameter. The fencing should be strong enough that a horse that hits it cannot damage the fencing or injure itself. The floor in the round pen should be non-slip, absorbent and resilient so that - especially at higher speeds - accidents are avoided and the horse's legs are not excessively stressed. To protect the tendons, the floor should not be too deep.


The difference to a simple lunging circle is the solid fencing, which allows the horse to work without a lunge. The round shape of the round pen prevents a free running horse from retreating into a corner while working and thus evading the work. When Western riding are round pens for long use.

In the round pen you can lunge in the classic way or work with the double lunge . The round shape also allows lunging without a lunge, the lunge aids being replaced by tuning aids. The classic work is used to exercise the horse and the targeted muscle building.

Another type of work is dominance training, which can be used on young horses or problem horses. It is precisely through the methods of various horse whisperers that a form of this dominance training called join-up has become very well known.

Other forms

In contrast, other theories prefer a square shape, as found in the Spanish Picadero . The horse experiences a different form of gymnastics. Instead of walking on a circular path with constant curvature, pieces of stronger and weaker curvature alternate on the shape, which is only approximate to a circle.

Web links

Commons : Round-Pen  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The language of horses , Monty Roberts, Bastei Lübber, 5th edition 2009, page 55