Route of home decor

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Gartenstadt Hohenhagen, Villa Hohenhof, entrance area

The Route of Living Culture is a project within the framework of RUHR.2010 - European Capital of Culture .


The aim of the "Route of Living Culture" was to provide insights into the diversity of living in the Ruhr area. The “Route of Living Culture” tried to describe everyday living in the Ruhr area, taking into account the historical building context, and to make it tangible. For this purpose, it linked almost 60 residential projects throughout the Ruhr Metropolis in terms of content, from single houses to residential areas . Real inhabited apartments from the period from 1850 to the present day were brought into a clear context via guided tours.

The considerations started with the apartment itself and ranged from the respective living environment, the location in the urban fabric, the neighborhood to social structures and questions of identity and symbolism of a form of living.

Based on the four major themes of living in the Ruhr area "Settlement, history & modernity, urbanity and demography", exemplary residential projects were illustrated.

High-rise residential building in Heiligegartenstrasse Dortmund
Hustadt in Bochum-Querenburg
Birschel's mill in Hattingen

Housing projects in detail

The residential projects on the "Route of Living Culture" comprised individual buildings, conversions and settlements from different eras and themes. For example, they discussed modern residential construction at Duisburg's inner harbor, transformation processes in large housing estates (Tossehof in Gelsenkirchen, Hustadt in Bochum or Schillerpark in Oer-Erkenschwick) and conversions and conversions of former industrial buildings. In addition, examples of the renovation and modernization of historic buildings (Hattinger Altstadt, Duisburg BauhausKarree) as well as living concepts that respond to the demographic changes in the Ruhr area (WohnreWIR Tremonia in Dortmund, Fliedner Dorf in Mülheim an der Ruhr) were presented.

Target groups and places

Buildings in the Teutoburgia settlement, Herne
Schüngelberg settlement, Gelsenkirchen
Eisenheim settlement, Oberhausen
Dilldorfer Höhe, Essen
Senior center of the AWO in the inner harbor of Duisburg
Houses at the Mont-Cenis Academy

The "Route of Living Culture" appealed to a specialist audience as well as the interested public. The locations of the several-hour bus tours and one to two-hour walks were based on the portal cities of the cultural capital RUHR.2010 Duisburg, Oberhausen, Essen, Bochum, Dortmund.

Special events as part of the Living Culture Route During the "Living Culture Day" on September 19 and during the Summer of Living Culture from August to October, additional selected inhabited apartments were opened to visitors as part of guided tours. On the Day of Living Culture, information events on living, thematic tours, events and neighborhood festivals were held.


  • Hamm: Old school
  • Kamen: Garden City Seseke-Aue
  • Bergkamen: women plan and build *
  • Lünen: Osterfeld Residence *
  • Hagen: Hohenhof, Thorn-Prikker-Haus / Lauweriksbauten, Emster Siepen residential building, Walddorf settlement
  • Dortmund: Presidential housing estate / Kaiserblock, apartment building, high-rise Heiligegartenstraße, Corvarastraße, Fürst Hardenberg * housing estate, Immermannstraße housing estate, WohnreWIR Tremonia / wir_auf_tremonia, Tremonia architect houses, Praebausiedlung
  • Oer-Erkenschwick: Schiller Park *
  • Herne: Teutoburgia *, Akademie Mont-Cenis residential development, Bebelstrasse residential and commercial blocks
  • Bochum: Hustadt *, Im Hole *, Grummer Karree *, living in the center, Hammer Park *, Hasenwinkel machine hall
  • Hattingen: old town houses, Ruhrbogen house, Birschels mill
  • Gelsenkirchen: Malakowtürme Zeche Holland, Tossehof *, Vittinghoff-Siedlung *, Siedlung Küppersbusch *, Siedlung Schüngelberg *
  • Essen: Dilldorfer Höhe *, Dinnendahlsche Fabrik, residential development Dinnendahlstraße, Zollverein care center, Villa Werden, Beguinage *, GrugaCarree, Margarethenhöhe, single-family house Roßstraße
  • Bottrop: Villa Dickmann, House Nuphaus
  • Mülheim an der Ruhr: Feierabendhaus, Wrexham Barracks barracks, Former Stadtbad, Fliedner Dorf *
  • Oberhausen: Eisenheim * settlement, water tower
  • Duisburg: Ratingsee-Siedlung *, BauhausKarree, canal apartments, NF1, AWO senior center, Brückenturm Nord

Publicly funded housing projects *


Project author:

  • Office STADTIDEE


  • State initiative StadtBauKultur NRW,
  • Ministry for Building and Transport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia,
  • Working group of the preservationists in the Ruhr area,
  • Chamber of Architects NRW,
  • Municipalities of the Ruhr Metropolis,
  • THS Wohnen GmbH,
  • Cooperation of municipal housing companies in the Ruhr area "WIR - Wohnen im Revier"


  • Ministry for Building and Transport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia,
  • LWL Cultural Foundation,
  • National urban development policy,
  • Working group of non-profit housing companies in Oberhausen, cities of Essen, * Gelsenkirchen, Hagen, Hamm, Hattingen

Main project sponsor of the Route of Living Culture by RUHR.2010:

  • ista International GmbH



Web links