Royal tarot

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German language game sheet

The royal tarot is a competitive variant of the Hungarian tarot developed by Zoltán Gerots . Many Hungarian card experts even doubt that this game can still be viewed as a tarot variant, as its rules differ too greatly not only from those of the Hungarian but also from other tarot variants.


The royal tarot was developed by Zoltán Gerots from 1984 onwards. His goal was to design a tarot variant with minimal (!) Changes that is suitable for competitions. So, step by step, a completely new game was created over two decades. Partnerships were established, talon and card values ​​were omitted, new announcements were introduced and the scoring system was revised several times. After the talon was omitted, the game was renamed the Royal Tarokk .

Today's game with all competition and game rules should be described here. (In the description, mainly Austrian names from the southern German language area were used.)

Basic rules

The players

The royal tarot is played counterclockwise by two pairs with pre-determined partnerships. This is the main difference to all other tarot games, in which the constellation of partners and opponents is determined anew in each game (apart from the variants for two people).

The partners sitting side by side, the left seated is called "scavenger" , the right-fitting as "collector" called. The dealer and his partner are the “defenders” , the two opponents are the “attackers” .

The cards

The Royal Tarot is played with a reduced number of 40 cards. In addition to the four French suits (spades, clubs, hearts and diamonds) there is also a permanent trump suit called tarot. The tarot cards are numbered with Roman numerals from I to XXI due to increasing stitch power. The only tarot without a number is also the highest, the Sküs . This card represents a Harlequin. The two highest tarocks (Sküs and XXI) form the honors , the lowest tarocks from I to IIII are the birds .

The two red colors, namely hearts and diamonds, consist of four cards: the king, the queen, the caval and the jack, the black colors also have tens. In total there are 22 tarot and 18 color cards. The kings together with the birds make up the high game cards .

Names of certain cards

Cards) Surname
XXI moon
XX Angel
XIX L'amour
IIII Marabou
III Cockatoo
II Eagle owl
I. Pagat
Sküs and XXI Honors
Sküs, XXI, XX, XIX, XVIII Engraver
XVIII, XVII, XVI (sometimes XV, XIV) Center set
I, II, III, IIII Vogerln
Vogerln + Kings High playing cards

Games and Match

Usually eight games are played per match. Before the first game, the collector of both parties must draw a card from the shuffled and face-down package. Whoever drew the lower card deals first and his party becomes defender in the first game. In the following games, attack and defense alternate.

Game flow

The giving

The cards must always be given by the collector to the defense party. Thus there are no “rounds” in the classical sense in the Royal Tarot, since the same player plays in the third game as in the first, and the two interceptors no longer play any role in the deal. The collector of the attacking party opens the auction phase and has the right and duty to be the first to lead.

He takes tarocks XX and XIX from the card package, gives the XIX to the interceptor and the XX to the collector of the attacking party. (The purpose of these competition rules is to increase the likelihood of expensive bonus announcements [the so-called trophies ].) He shuffles the remaining cards, after which the collector of the attacking party withdraws the cards. It must be lifted in such a way that all cards remain hidden. After the cut, the dealer deals the cards to the players in pairs counterclockwise. The first two cards belong to the two opponents.

Throw together

After the cards have been dealt and picked up, each player must check that he has ten cards with at least three tarocks in his hand. If there is a wrong deal or a player has less than three tarocks, he must show this and cancel the game. The cards are thrown together and the dealer must deal again in the same game.

The auction

In the Royal Tarot one should rather not talk about a bidding phase, since during the bidding only the premiums are announced and possibly doubled. Nevertheless, the terms "bidding process", "bidding system" etc. are used by practically all players because the announcement systems of a top team (similar to bridge) are often very complex.

The Royal Tarot has 66 announcements and 4 silent bonuses. In the Royal you have to announce everything in the auction phase in order to collect points - only very few prizes are counted silently (i.e. without an announcement). The 70 bonuses and announcements are divided into two large groups: Messages (= bonuses and announcements from the hand) and Schlemme (= bonuses in the tricks). Each hip Schlemm can by opponents kontriert be. Further contras such as recontra etc. are not allowed in the Royal.

The dealer opens the auction and the other players follow him. If it's a player's turn, he can announce his messages, feasts and contras in any order and conclude his utterance with “Continue!”. If a player has nothing to say, it must fit . If three players have passed in a row, the auction phase is over. Exception: Immediately after the deal, all four players must pass in order to complete the auction.

Increase in Feasting (The Elevation)

Part of the feast is independent of the other feasts: one after the other can be announced in any order by any player of a party. Other slimes, however, are uplifted and can be uplifted . With these:

  • encompasses the more expensive Schlemm (the one is raised) the cheaper (to be lifted), or
  • the more expensive Schlemm is a more difficult variant of the cheaper one.

A feast that can be increased can only be increased by the partner . In the event that the more expensive feast is in a higher relationship with several earlier feasts, the increase can only be carried out by the partner of the announcer of the last such feast. Important exception: Trophies (see below) can only be increased by changing partners.

Please note: If you bid badly, certain trophies cannot be increased further according to this regulation. A party can increase the gluttony more than once, if possible. The increase can override a counterparty, but the other party can also counteract the slam that has been collected.

The way of playing

The collector of the attacking party always comes to the first lead. When the bidding has been completed, the cards are played in the normal manner. There is a compulsory color and tarot, but no compulsory trick.

Some feasts are subject to a fee . To win this gluttony, the side must take a certain trick with a specified card. If the party has announced such a slam, the owner may only play the ( linked ) card in question earlier if he has no other option. If several feasts that are subject to payment have been announced and the owner can only admit one connected card, then he must play or admit the one (or one of those cards) that was last connected. The tied card must , if possible, be played or added in the corresponding trick. If a fee is charged, the obligation remains in force! The (composite) collected slam is deemed to be lost if it is not made with the cards connected (by the collected slam).


After the last trick, the performances of both parties are evaluated and points are awarded. A party can never write less than zero points. The upper limit of 100 points can only be exceeded with trophies .

First, the starting score , the so-called consolation (see below) is set. Then the won or lost announcements are rated with plus and minus points. Each party only writes down (plus or minus) points for their own announcements.

Evaluation of the contraindicated Schlemme

Kontrierte slurry are only just . Only the double can win or lose points by means of his counter. The contra is mostly scored in the same way as the double slam (with the opposite sign), but a party can never win or lose more than 20 (twenty) points through all contra combined.

Billing of a match

After each game, the points collected by both parties are added up. If the match is completed after eight games, the total must be divided by eight and the result rounded down to get the final result. Example: 760: 759 becomes 95:94.

The announcements

The 70 bonuses and announcements of the Royal Tarock are also printed on the game sheet. They are as follows:


  • Number of suits: If a player has at least two (but not all) cards of one suit in his hand, he can announce this. Example: "two spades" . Only the real number of the given color may be announced. Evaluation: 0 points.
  • Number of tarots : If a player has at least eight tarocks in hand, he may announce this. Example: “eight tarot” . Only the real number of tarocks may be announced. Evaluation: 0 points.
  • Vogerl: If a player has at least one Vogerl in his hand, he may announce Vogerl . Evaluation: 0 points.
  • Flush: If a player has all cards of one suit in his hand, he may call a flush . Evaluation: 10 points. The color must not be announced.
  • Wonok: If a player has four identical pieces (e.g. four kings) in his hand, he may announce wonok . Evaluation: 20 points. The height of the pieces may not be announced.


Material rewards

  • Visi: The announcer obliges his party to bring Tarock XVIII home. Evaluation: 1 point.
  • L'amour: The announcer obliges his party to bring Tarock XIX home. Evaluation: 1 point.
  • Engel: The announcer obliges his party to bring Tarock XX home. Evaluation: 1 point.
  • Honoreur: The announcer obliges his party to bring the Sküs or the moon home. Evaluation: 1 point.
  • Heads: The announcer obliges his party to bring the Sküs and the moon home. Evaluation: 2 points.
  • Trull: The announcer obliges his party to bring home the Sküs, the Moon and the Pagat. Evaluation: 3 points.

Honors, heads and trulls are in a mutual elevation.

Silent bonuses

With a few exceptions, these four rewards are considered silent if they are won.

  • Obscur: If neither the free trick nor the Valat trophy is said by the four players , Obscur is played automatically . The party that takes five tricks first wins the Obscur. Evaluation: 5 points.
  • Lauer: If a party succeeds in bringing the opponent's Pagat home without an announcement, this premium is paid. Evaluation: 15 points.
  • 4 Kings: If a party succeeds in bringing home all four kings, this premium is paid. This bonus cannot be announced, but with a few exceptions (Valat or Legion [see below] announced) it is always counted. Evaluation: 20 points.
  • Moon catch quiet: If a party succeeds in bringing home the tarot XXI of the opponents, this premium is paid. Evaluation: 50 points.

Free stitches

  • Game: The announcer obliges his party to take at least five tricks. Evaluation: 10 points.
  • Cash box: The announcer obliges his party to take at least six tricks. Evaluation: 20 points.
  • Bridge: The announcer obliges his party to take at least seven tricks. Evaluation: 30 points.
  • Octave: The announcer obliges his party to take at least eight tricks. Evaluation: 40 points.
  • Misère: The announcer obliges his party to take at least nine tricks. Evaluation: 50 points.
  • Valat: The announcer obliges his party to take all ten tricks. Evaluation: 60 points.

The free tricks are in a lift ratio to each other.

Tied stitches

  • Piccolo: The announcer obliges his party to take the first three tricks, whereby the third must take place with tarot XVIII. Evaluation: 5 points.
  • City: The announcer obliges his party to take the first four tricks, whereby the fourth must take place with tarot XIX. Evaluation: 5 points.
  • Center: The announcer obliges his party to take the first five tricks, the fifth with tarot XX. Evaluation: 10 points.
  • Little bird: The announcer obliges his party to take the first six tricks, whereby the sixth must take place with Tarock XXI. Evaluation: 20 points.
  • Big bird: The announcer obliges his party to take the first 7 seven tricks, whereby the seventh must be done with the Sküs. Evaluation: 30 points.

The tied stitches are independent of each other and can also be combined. All tied stitches are subject to retention, the engravers in question are tied. If the opposing party succeeds in taking a trick and thus making the tied trick premium to fail, the retention obligation remains in force and the corresponding trigger must not be played earlier than announced!


  • Ultimo: The announcer obliges his party to take the last trick with the named high game card . Examples: Pagat Ultimo, Spades Ultimo , whereby the last trick must be made with the Pagat or the King of Spades. The Schlemm is only considered won if the high game card itself wins the trick. Evaluation: 10 points.
  • Pre-ultimo: The announcer obliges his party to take the penultimate (ninth) trick with the named high game card . The Schlemm is only considered won if the high game card itself wins the trick. Evaluation: 20 points.
  • Dragons: The announcer obliges his party to take the third to last (eighth) trick with the named high game card . The Schlemm is only considered won if the high game card itself wins the trick. Evaluation: 30 points.
  • Greif: The announcer obliges his party to take the seventh trick with the named high game card . The Schlemm is only considered won if the high game card itself wins the trick. Evaluation: 40 points.
  • Turul: The announcer obliges his party to take the sixth trick with the named high game card . The Schlemm is only considered won if the high game card itself wins the trick. Evaluation: 50 points.

All Hochspielschlemme are subject to a fee. They are in a lift ratio to each other if they refer to the same high game card. In other cases they can be combined with each other.

Flight feast

  • Pheasant: The announcer obliges his party to take the first trick with the named high game card . The Schlemm is only considered won if the high game card itself wins the trick. Evaluation: 20 points.
  • Falke: The announcer obliges his party to take the second trick with the named high game card . The Schlemm is only considered won if the high game card itself wins the trick. Evaluation: 20 points.

The pheasant and the hawk are subject to a fee, they cannot be announced at the same time and are not in relation to each other. If a flight slam was announced that relates to a specific high game card, no high game slam can be announced with the same card. This rule also applies in reverse and applies to all feasts and trophies that are subject to retention (see below).


  • Gang: The announcer obliges his party to bring home the cards of the named suit. Example: Heart ties. Evaluation: 5 points.
  • Fleet: The announcer obliges his party to bring home all red cards (hearts and diamonds). Evaluation: 20 points.
  • Red and Black: The announcer obliges his party to bring home the cards of the named red and black color . Example: hearts of spades red and black. Evaluation: 25 points.
  • Army: The announcer obliges his party to bring home the cards of the two black suits (spades and clubs). Evaluation: 30 points.
  • Legion: The announcer obliges his party to bring home all suit cards. Evaluation: 50 points.

The interception clamps cannot be combined. They are mutually uplifted and two intercepts may not be announced at the same time (regardless of their colors).


  • Amazon: The announcer obliges his party to take a trick with a suit card other than a king. Neither the color nor the height of the card in question may be announced. Evaluation: 5 points.
  • Pagatfang: The announcer obliges his party to bring the opponent's Pagat home. Evaluation: 30 points.
  • Transylvanian Pheasant: The announcer obliges his party to take the first and second trick with the named high playing cards . Example: Pagat-Pik Transylvanian Pheasant. Evaluation: 60 points.
  • Timisoara Pheasant: The announcer obliges his party to take the first and third trick with the named high playing cards . Evaluation: 60 points.
  • Klausenburger Fasan: The announcer obliges his party to take the second and fourth trick with the named high playing cards . Evaluation: 60 points.

The Transylvanian, the Timisoara and the Klausenburger Pheasant cannot be announced at the same time. All of these pheasants are considered to be a gluttony in flight (see above) and are uplifted to the pheasant or the falcon.

  • Schleicher: The announcer obliges his party to take the penultimate and the last trick with Vogerln. The Vogerln must not be announced. Evaluation: 60 points.
  • Phoenix: The announcer obliges his party to take the penultimate and the last trick with one king each. The colors of the kings can not be announced. Evaluation: 60 points.

The trophies

The trophies are the most expensive feast of this game and constitute the essence of the royal tarot. If a player succeeds in making a trophy, he will be entered in the trophy list.

Normally a party cannot collect more than 100 points in one game. This limit can only be changed by announced trophies. Only one trophy per party and game can be announced and rated. (Trophies can, however, also be increased, see the associated rules below.)

If a trophy with a value of less than 100 points is lost, the point limit decreases accordingly. According to this rule, the point limit can drop to 70 or 50 points (corresponding to the 30 or 50 minus points). If a trophy with over 100 points is lost, the game will necessarily be awarded zero points for the party in question.

If a party succeeds in making a trophy worth less than 100 points, the limit is raised by 10 points (and thus becomes 110). For trophies over 100 points, the limit is increased to the trophy value.

Small trophies

  • Spadille: The announcer obliges his party to take a trick with a red queen, a red caval or a red jack . The color and height of the card in question may not be announced. Evaluation: 30 points.
  • Manille : The announcer obliges his party to take a trick with a black caval or a black jack . The color and height of the card in question may not be announced. Evaluation: 30 points.
  • Djinn: The announcer obliges his party to take a trick with the named black ten ( jinn of spades or jinn of clubs ). Evaluation: 50 points.
  • Mariage: The announcer obliges his party to take the last two tricks with the king and queen of the announced suit . Example: Marriage of Spades. Evaluation: 50 points.


  • Moon catch: The announcer obliges his party to stab the moon (Tarock XXI) of the opposing party with the Sküs. Evaluation: 120 points.
  • Habicht: The announcer obliges his party to take the first three tricks with the named high playing cards . The goshawk is considered to be a glutton in flight and is in uplift relation to the pheasant, the falcon, the Timisoara and the Transylvanian pheasant. Evaluation: 120 points.
  • Color: The announcer obliges his party to take the last three tricks with color cards. The cards in question must not be named and must take the tricks themselves. Evaluation: 120 points.
  • Scale: The announcer obliges his party to take all tricks and also all five tied tricks (Piccolo, City, Center, the small and the large bird). Evaluation: 120 points.

Great trophies

  • Golgotha: The announcer obliges his party to bring home the moon (Tarock XXI) and the Pagat (Tarock I) of the opposing party. Rating: 130 points.
  • Centaur: The announcer obliges his party to stab the opposing party's moon through the Sküs and to take another stab with a color card other than a king. Rating: 130 points.
  • Trojka: The announcer obliges his party to take the last three tricks with one bird each. The birds may not be named. Rating: 130 points.
  • Famille: The announcer obliges his party to take the last three tricks with one card of the announced suit each . Example: family of spades. Rating: 130 points.
  • Bethlehem: The announcer obliges his party to take the last three tricks with one king each. The colors of the kings can not be announced. Rating: 130 points.
  • Sphinx: The announcer obliges his party to take one trick with a red and a second trick with a black queen / caval / jack . Rating: 130 points.

Super trophies

  • Quart: The announcer obliges his party to take all the tricks - including four color tricks in a row . Evaluation: 140 points.
  • Pyramid: The announcer obliges his party to take all tricks - including four bird tricks in a row . Evaluation: 140 points.
  • Spectrum: The announcer obliges his party to take all tricks, all five tied tricks and the last three tricks with one color card each. The color cards must not be named and must - as always - do the final tricks yourself. Evaluation: 140 points.

Multi trophies

  • Stella: The announcer obliges his party to take all the tricks , whereby the first three must take place with the named high playing cards , the fourth with the tarot XIX, the fifth with the tarot XX, the sixth with the moon and the seventh with the sküs. The Stella is considered to be a flight feast and is in relation to all other flight feasts. Evaluation: 150 points.
  • Full: The announcer obliges his party to take all tricks, all five tied tricks and the last three tricks with one bird each. The birds are not allowed to be named and have to do the final tricks themselves. Evaluation: 150 points.
  • Court: The announcer obliges his party to take all tricks, all five tied tricks and the last three tricks with one card each of the announced suit . Example: court of spades. Evaluation: 150 points.
  • Grand: The announcer obliges his party to take all tricks, all five tied tricks and the last three tricks with one king each. The colors of the kings may not be announced. Evaluation: 150 points.

Ultra trophies

  • Harpie: The announcer obliges his party to take all the tricks , including a trick with a suit except a king, and bring home the opposing moon and Pagat. Evaluation: 160 points.
  • Gloria: The announcer obliges his party to take all tricks, stab the opposing moon through the Sküs and take the last three tricks with one color card each. The cards in question must not be named and must take the tricks themselves. Evaluation: 160 points.
  • Triumph: The announcer obliges his party to take all the tricks, stab the opposing moon through the Sküs and take the last three tricks with one bird each. The birds may not be named and must do the stitches themselves. Evaluation: 160 points.


  • Royal: The announcer obliges his party to take all the tricks, bring the opposing moon and Pagat home and take the last three tricks with one bird each so that both the announcer and his partner must take at least one bird trick. Evaluation: 200 points.

Competition regulations

The Consolation

In the Royal Tarock, the cards - unlike Bridge - are not mapped after the game and no duplicate system is used. The inequalities in the distribution of cards are reduced by a so-called consolation system (consolation points). The base points are given for the sum of the number of tarocks of both players in one party. Additional points can be credited to the party for a lack of engravers. The defenders get a bonus of 20 points, but their consolation can under no circumstances exceed the limit of 90 points.

The consolation table

13 tarocks (or more) 40
11-12 tarocks 50
10 tarocks (or less) 60
Play with just one honoreur +20
Play with no honors at all +30
Game without the XVIII +5
Game without the XVII +5
Game without the XVI +5
defense +20

The attackers can write down a maximum of 100, but the defenders only 90 points as a consolation.

The team championship

  • Each team can have two or three members. Exceptions can be made by the jury. The team must have its own name and is entered in the championship table under this name.
  • One change per match can take place in the team championship. The name of the substituted player must be entered on the match sheet in the Substitute player section . However, the positions (driver and interceptor) cannot be confused during the match.
  • Each team can play a maximum of 40 (up to 2010: 52) matches, and the points collected are added together.
  • Games that do not take place in a public place must be approved in advance by the jury.
  • A game can only be left open in the case of Vis-Maior with the approval of the jury.
  • Every year the team championship starts on January 1st and ends on December 31st. Since the annual meeting usually only takes place in mid-January, all the desired games that would take place at the beginning of the year before the annual meeting must be approved by the jury.
  • There must always be at least one team member playing at the table. The other player can also be a guest player. In this case, however, the comment "as a guest player" must be entered in the name section of the match sheet.

The Hungarian Cup

  • The draw for the Hungarian Cup will take place at the end of August. Before the draw, entries from a maximum of 16 couples (here without substitutes) are accepted.
  • Player changes can only be allowed by the jury in the case of Vis-Maior.
  • The cup runs according to the knockout system. Each round is concluded at the end of the month (first round: in September, quarter-finals: in October, etc.). The jury can allow a game to be postponed. If a game does not take place at all or cannot be continued after an interruption, the decision of the jury will be made.
  • Basically, three matches must be played in each round. (The round can of course also be given up earlier if one party sees no more chance of winning.) The three game results are added up and the team that has collected more points is next. Example (Team A plays against Team B): 96:95, 87:94 and 97:93 become 280: 282, Team B continues.
    • In the event of a tie (282: 282 etc.) an extra time (tie-break) takes place. Two additional games are played, attacking and defending alternating in the usual way. The result of the extension is only formed by adding, it is neither normalized nor rounded up or down and team A can e.g. B. advance with a result of 192: 191.
    • If the score is still the same after an extension (e.g. 192: 192), further extensions will always take place.
  • Two bronze medals (or trophies) will be awarded to the two semi-finalists.

The free championship

  • All kinds of games can be included in the free championship. Training games, variants, test games (rule experiments) can be organized here. The jury decides on interrupted games and every single game is counted towards its admission.
  • The aim of the free championship is to collect points and the player who has the most points at the end of the year wins.

Grand Prix

  • Several "Grand Prix" (GP) competitions take place every year. In these, each participating pair must play three matches.
  • The GP games can, if possible and the teammates decide, also be included in the team championship or in the cup.
  • In a GP, the points collected are neither normalized nor rounded up or down. That's why every single point scored in the game counts. The total result of a pair is calculated by adding up the game points collected from all 24 games, so it typically comes to a number over 2000.
    • In the event of a tie, the best (if there is even a tie, the second-best) result of the three matches (here e.g. 762 against 756) decides. If still no decision can be made, the successful trophies are ranked and the highest (if there is a tie, the second highest, etc.) wins. The order of the trophies on the match sheet is decisive here (but this has been reversed on this page).

The trophy list

  • Every successful trophy is entered in the trophy list under the name of the announcer (not that of the team). The trophies made in the variants (see below) are also recognized.
  • Every player is awarded a trophy after their 100th, 250th, 500th and 1000th trophy.


The variants of the Royal Tarock are mostly played as training so that the teams can prepare for the team championship and the cup. The trophies made in the variants can also be entered in the trophy list, but the game itself is only included in the free championship.

The Royal Tarot has the following variants:

  • Royal for four (without defined partnerships)
  • Royal for three (with 36 cards)
  • Royal for two

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