Royal Assent

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A Royal Assent (German: Royal Assent ) in countries where the British crown the sovereign represents the country, the approval of the monarch to the House of Commons and House of Representatives adopted the law.


In the United Kingdom , a law becomes a law of Parliament when it is signed by the British Crown and becomes legally binding at the time specified in the law.

In the Commonwealth Realms , in which the British Crown is also the head of state (for example Canada , Australia and New Zealand ), the law is signed by the Governor General on his behalf. The process is also called Royal Assent there .

The monarch or the governor-general can refuse to sign a law if there are constitutional concerns. However, the last time this happened in the UK was in 1708.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Royal Assent . United Kingdom Parliament , accessed July 31, 2018 .
  2. ^ The Royal Assent . New Zealand Parliament , accessed July 31, 2018 .
  3. ^ Scottish Militia Bill . United Kingdom Parliament , accessed July 31, 2018 .