SV Goldap

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SV Goldap
Surname SV Goldap
Founded before 1936
resolution 1945
Association headquarters Goldap
Departments Soccer

The SV Goldap was a short-lived sports club in the German Empire with headquarters in what is now the Polish town of Gołdap .


For the 1936/37 season , the SV rose from the district class to the district class . In District II Gumbinnen , the team was able to qualify with 18: 6 points over second place for the Gauliga East Prussia this season. In the final table of Division B , however, not a single victory or even a draw was achieved, which meant that the team finished last with 0:12 points. The next season ended early for the team with 8:16 points and the last place in the group in the district class. Within the Masurian relay , the club then finished fourth again after the 1938/39 season with 9:11 points. Nothing is known about the further course of the association. At the latest after the annexation of East Prussia by the Soviet Union , the association was forcibly dissolved.
