Sabin (unit)

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The Sabin , named after the American physicist Wallace Clement Sabine is the unit of measurement for sound - absorption capacity of a surface in the room acoustics :


It follows:

  • one square meter of material with a sound absorption coefficient of 100% has a value of 1 sabin or 1 m² sabin
  • one square meter of material with a sound absorption coefficient of 50% has a value of 0.5 m² sabin
  • a half square meters of material whose sound absorption coefficient is 100%, also has a value of 0.5 m² Sabin.

In the USA, the sabin is not referred to square meters but to square feet , which is why the words "m² Sabin" or "ft² Sabin" are often used:

1 ft² Sabin = 0.09290304 m² Sabin
