Sabinianus (emperor)

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Sabinianus was a Roman counter-emperor during the imperial crisis of the 3rd century .

Sabinianus was elevated to emperor by the Carthaginians in 240 , because this with Gordian III were dissatisfied. However, he was defeated by the governor of Mauritania in the same year . His own troops handed him over to Carthage, asking for forgiveness. It has been suggested that he was Marcus Asinius Sabinianus, proconsul of Africa , but that is considered unlikely.


Individual evidence

  1. Historia Augusta , Gordian 23.4; Zosimos 1,17,1; probably also CIL 6, 1090 related to the event .
  2. ^ Augustine Clément Pallu de Lessert: Fastes des provinces africaines (Proconsulaire, Numidie, Maurétanies) sous la domination romaine. Volume 1: République et Haut-Empire. Ernest Leroux, Paris 1896, p. 283 f. ( online ).
  3. Bengt E. Thomasson : Fasti Africani. Senatorial and knightly officials in the Roman provinces of North Africa from Augustus to Diocletian. Paul Åström, Stockholm 1996, ISBN 91-7042-153-6 , p. 90.