Saint Clare

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Saint Clare ( St. Clare , Engl.) Stands for

  • Clare of Assisi (1193 / 94–1253), Italian founder of the Order of the Poor Clares (remembrance day August 11)
  • Clare of Montefalco , Clare of the Cross (1268–1308) Italian Augustinian and mystic, virgin (August 17)
  • Clare of Rimini , probably also Klara de Aquilariis (around 1300), Italian Franciscan (January 22, February 23, November 7)
  • Klara de Fuligno († 1497/1500), Poor Clare, virgin, city patroness of Fuligno (July 13th)
  • Klara Francisca Wagner († 1637), Swiss Franciscan in Montorge (October 2)

St. Clare or St Clare stands for:

See also