Salih al-Mutlak

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Saleh al-Mutlak

Saleh al-Mutlak ( Arabic صالح المطلك, DMG Ṣāliḥ al-Muṭlak ) is an Iraqi politician. He was Deputy Prime Minister until the summer of 2015. He is chairman of the Iraqi Front for National Dialogue (Arabic: al-Jabha al-ʿIrāqiyya li-l-Hiwār al-Watanī ), which in turn is part of the Iraqi national movement .


During the dictatorship under Saddam Hussein , al-Mutlak was a member of the Baʿth party .

After the occupation of Iraq in 2003 , al-Mutlak, who is considered a moderate Sunni, campaigned early on for an understanding between Sunnis and Shiites .

al-Mutlak was excluded from the 2010 general election along with more than 400 other candidates .

On December 19, one day after the last US combat troops had withdrawn from Iraq, a no-confidence motion against al-Mutlak in the Council of Representatives failed due to a boycott of the Iraqi national movement. The next day, Prime Minister al-Maliki threatened to resign if al-Mutlak was not released. The reason he gave was that al-Mutlak had called him a dictator and compared him to Saddam Hussein. al-Mutlak also said that Saddam Hussein had at least improved the infrastructure.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Iraqi head of government threatens to resign. In: ORF . December 20, 2011, accessed December 20, 2011 .
  2. a b c Government crisis in Iraq. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . December 19, 2011, accessed December 20, 2011 .
  3. Nagih Al-Obaidi: New elections, new alliances in Iraq. In: Deutsche Welle . February 3, 2010, accessed December 20, 2011 .