Salt cake

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Dortmund specialties salt cake and export beer

Salt cake is a thin, spicy occupied bread , similar to Tarte , onion tart , quiche or pizza . There are regional differences in preparation.

In the simplest variant, yeast dough is rolled out thinly (about 5 mm), baked, brushed with melted butter while still warm and sprinkled with salt and caraway seeds.

With Swabian salt cake , the rolled out yeast dough is coated with a mixture of sour cream, egg, flour, salt, caraway seeds and chives and then baked.

For Hessian salt cakes , potatoes are processed into puree, mixed with steamed onions, flour, egg, sour cream, quark and oil and seasoned with salt, pepper and nutmeg. The mixture is spread over the rolled out dough, bacon cubes are poured over it and everything is baked together.

In Dortmund and parts of the Ruhr area , the Dortmund salt cake is a circular bun seasoned with salt and caraway seeds with a depression in the middle. It is often eaten with ground meat, with the hollow receiving chopped onions. The Fischer bakery at the town hall in Dortmund's city center, founded in 1848, is considered to be the originator of the Dortmund salt cake .

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