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Square onion pie
Round onion pie

The onion cake is a hearty cake that is named after its main topping, the onions . The cake is known in southern Germany , eastern Germany and Switzerland, as well as in Alsace .

Onion Pie in Germany

Onion pie with feather white

In Germany, it is usually a square or round sheet cake made of yeast dough or a cake based on shortcrust dough that is more comparable to quiche lorraine . In addition to the onions, sour cream or sweet cream , eggs and cubes of bacon are often used for the topping .

In contrast to the tarte flambée , the onions are usually not used raw, but cut into small pieces and steamed in butter or in the rendered fat of the bacon used for the topping before being applied to the dough . Then they are mixed with the remaining ingredients and finally the mixture is seasoned with salt and caraway seeds . The caraway is said to make the onion cake easier to digest.

Especially in Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony , neither onions nor bacon are fried beforehand, but rather placed directly on the dough and then poured with a mixture of egg and sour cream, which rises when baked. The raw onions require a longer baking time, which is why the topping is often thicker than usual in southern Germany.

Especially in autumn at the Weimar onion market and at wine festivals in German wine-growing regions - for example in Baden , on the Rhine , Moselle , Saar (there as Zwiwwelkuche or quiche ) and Nahe , in the Palatinate , in Hesse or in Franconia  - onion cake is offered. He likes to be eaten warm; After cooling, it can be brought back to temperature in the microwave oven , even in portions . New wine , usually Federweißer, is considered a traditional companion . Also wine , such as a dry Riesling , or different types of beer can be used as an accompanying drink.

Onion Pie in Switzerland

In Basel , onion tart ( called onion tart there) is the traditional dish alongside cheese tart that accompanies the so-called Morgestraich and the three-day carnival .

At the Zibelemärit in Bern , onion cake, Berndeutsch Zibelechueche , and cheesecake are also the traditional food.

Onion pie in Alsace

In Alsace the onion is French tarte à l'oignon called the local Alemannic dialect Zwiwwelkuech.


  • Online articles: Onion Pie and Federweißer . In: Zeit Online . September 24, 2009 ( recipe on Zeit.de [accessed on July 31, 2011] with recipes of top German chefs).

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