Velvet shaft

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Samtschaft , a term coined by Ferdinand Tönnies , denotes in sociology, in contrast to the collective, formally unorganized large groups of actors with common, formative characteristics. However, unions can have formally organized units ( associations ). Examples would be the Sorbs , the Protestants , the prisoners , the youth .


  1. Ferdinand Tönnies , chap. Social cohesions . In: Introduction to Sociology , 2nd edition, Enke, Stuttgart 1981 (first edition 1931), pp. 81–95, ISBN 3-432-85602-4
  2. ^ Otthein Rammstedt : Samtschaft. In: Werner Fuchs-Heinritz, Eva Barlösius (Hrsg.): Lexikon zur Soziologie , 4th edition, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2007, p. 569, ISBN 978-3-531-15573-9
  3. Klaus-Jürgen Scherer: "... an organizational component of the social system: the community is a middle thing between relationship and corporation " . In: Youth and Social Movement. On the political sociology of young people in motion in Germany . Leske + Budrich, Opladen 1988, p. 38, ISBN 3-8100-0701-3 .