San Paolo dei Greci

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Chiesa di San Paolo dei greci, Reggio Calabria

The Chiesa di San Paolo dei Greci (Eng .: "Church of Saint Paul of the Greeks") is an Orthodox church in Reggio Calabria , which belongs to the Archdiocese of Italy and Malta of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople . It is located on Vico Sant'Anna in the Sbarre district .


On the occasion of a pilgrimage in May 2008 dedicated to the commemoration of the earthquake of 1908, a group of pilgrims came to Reggio Calabria, where they also visited the church of Sant'Elia Speleota , at that time a crumbling barrack in Via Sott'Argine am Fiumara Calopinace . The tour company, all of them learned lay people and members of the Associazione greca spirituale e filantropica "Santa Trinità" from Calabria and led by Orthodox monks from the Paraklitos monastery in Oropos , was shocked by the state of the church, in a place where the Apostle Paul was on his From Syracuse to Rome , the monks wanted to obtain permission from the city administration to build an appropriate worship space at their own expense to meet the needs of the Orthodox believers of Reggio Calabria, their community had grown rapidly in recent years. The foundation stone was laid in September 2009 in a ceremony presided over by Metropolitan Gennadios, Orthodox Archbishop of Italy and Malta . At that time there had been an Orthodox community in Reggio Calabria for ten years. The church was dedicated in September 2010 and opened to the public.


The church is the first Orthodox church to be rebuilt in Reggio Calabria for centuries. It was modeled on the Chiesa di Sant'Antonio il Grande di Archi , which was built before the arrival of the Normans .

The architecture is typical of an Orthodox church: it has a rectangular floor plan, sloping roofs and a central dome over the central nave as well as some smaller semicircular domes as wall ends and double and three-part windows. The floor plan of the church represents a Greek cross and has three naves that lead into the choir , which is reserved for the priests. A high iconostasis separates the church interior from the sanctuary of the chancel.

Individual evidence

  1. Fonte da La Stampa ( Memento from September 6, 2012 in the web archive )
  2. Fonte

Web links

Coordinates: 38 ° 5 '15.7 "  N , 15 ° 38' 39.9"  E