Sanas Cormaic

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Sanas Cormaic [ 'sanas' xormikʴ ] ("Cormac's whisper") is the name of an etymological glossary in the Old Irish language , the drafting of which is dated to about AD 900.

The author is the Bishop and King of the southern Irish province of Munster , Cormac mac Cuillenáin. This work tries to explain ancient, then already uncommon expressions of the poet's language and legislation, as well as place and personal names. The etymology Cormac leans on Isidore of Seville Etymologiarum immersive Originum libri XX and is considered by modern scientific standards as a failure. However, as a list of ancient Irish writings from the time of Cormac, the collection is of great importance for literary research. The manuscript has come down to us in Leabhar Buidhe Lecain ("The Yellow Book of Lecan)", Lebor Laignech ("The Book of Leinster") and several other compilations.

Moralizing didactic pieces, such as the story of the mythical king Tadhg mac Céin , as well as a description of the fortune-telling technique imbas forosna can be found in the Sanas Cormaic.


  • Bernhard Maier : Lexicon of Celtic Religion and Culture (= Kröner's pocket edition . Volume 466). Kröner, Stuttgart 1994, ISBN 3-520-46601-5 .
  • Kuno Meyer : The Instructions of King Cormac Mac Airt [Todd Lecture Series, XV], Dublin 1909.
  • Cormac Úa Cuilennáin: Sanas Cormaic. An Old-Irish glossary. Edited from the copy in the Yellow Book of Lecan by Kuno Meyer . Facsimile repruction Halle a. S., 1913. Llanerch Publishers, Dublin 1994, ISBN 1-897853-26-2 ( Anecdota from Irish manuscripts 5).

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Individual evidence

  1. Bernhard Maier: Small lexicon of names and words of Celtic origin. CH Beck OHG, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-406-49470-6 , keyword "Dachs", p. 45.