Sarcee (language)

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Sarcee (also Tsuut'ina , Sarsi , Tsuu T'ina , Tsu T'ina ) belongs to the Athapaskan language family , which includes Navajo and Bedonkohe in the south and Dene Suline and Dogrib in the north .

The name Tsuu T'ina comes from the self-name of the Indian people of the Sarcee , Tsúùt'ínà , which is sometimes translated as "many people", "family tree" or "people among beavers". However, all of these derivations are unlikely; the origin of the name is unknown. The language is currently on the verge of extinction (as of 2006) and is only spoken by a few dozen older tribal members. Efforts are being made to keep them alive.

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