Sargis Safarian

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Sargis S. Safarian (* 25 March 1917 in Armenia ; † 14. March 2005 ) was an Armenian-American civil engineer, known as an expert in silos from reinforced concrete .


Safarian studied at the Polytechnic in Yerevan and graduated in 1941. In the German-Soviet War he went to the artillery school and was a lieutenant in a division newly established in Kazakhstan, responsible for topographical tasks. He came to the front in April 1942 and was taken prisoner by Germany in August. He was able to leave the prisoner-of-war camp through the Armenian committee in Berlin and worked in the civil engineering department of the Siemens-Schuckert works in Berlin. He was busy with plans for a hydroelectric power station on the Danube when the war ended. Safarian founded what was then a successful toy factory in Vaihingen (Stuttgart) with a friend (kaleidoscopes made from the colored glass splinters of destroyed church windows). In 1949 he emigrated to the USA. First he worked for his guarantor, who had given him entry, in a grocery store, then on the assembly line at General Motors. Soon afterwards he found employment with a civil engineer who, like him, came from the Soviet Union, where he learned the American building regulations, and soon afterwards with one of the largest engineering and architecture firms in Detroit, Giffels & Vallet. Here he first came into contact with the design of reinforced concrete silos. He moved to Denver, where he was mainly involved with silos from 1960 in the engineering company Ken R. White. In addition, he took courses as an engineer, including at the University of Colorado, and passed the Professional Engineering Examination (PE), which allowed him to work as an independent engineer in the USA. Most recently he was Vice Director of Civil Engineering at Ken R. White. In 1974 he founded his own engineering office, SMH Engineering.

The damage and cracks on silos were a major problem for civil engineers at the time, especially since there was constant demand for even larger silos. At the same time, the theoretical investigation was not very developed. At the same time as Safarian or before, Marcel Reimbert dealt with the topic. Safarian began publishing for the American Concrete Institute and joined its ACM 313 Committee on Silos in 1967 and became its chairman in 1969. There he developed US standards for the calculation and construction of silos. His successor as committee chairman was Ernest C. Harris, with whom he also published a lot. He calculated hundreds of reinforced concrete silos including those with prestressed concrete and prefabricated concrete parts. In 1985 he joined the international committee for prestressed concrete silos of the FIP / ISO.


  • Klaus Stiglat : Civil engineers and their work , Ernst and Son 2004


  • Design and construction of silos and bunkers, Van Nostrand Reinhold 1985
  • with EC Harris: Causes of Damage to Reinforced Concrete Silos in the USA, Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Construction, Volume 86, February 1991, pp. 35–37.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary at
  2. ^ Also concrete and reinforced concrete construction, Volume 97, 2002, Issue 3, pp. 169–171