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Sasatavada (in English: Eternity, Eternal Existence) is the Pali word for the Buddhist doctrine of eternal becoming or eternal life, "one life after the other" or the " samsara circle" and corresponds to the teaching of eternalism .

Buddhism, however, rejects eternity or eternal existence ( bhava becoming). The rejection is based on the view that if an object is analyzed in all of its elements, no independent or eternal parts can be found.

The same applies to Vedanta and Neoplatonism , in which (eternal) becoming are regarded as a heresy and a fault of faith (Pali: citta). The identification with matter and the constant rebirth in a new form, life after life, are rejected.

A modern and common misconception about Buddhism is that the denial of eternity is equated with the rejection of the subjective soul ( Atman ). However, there is no corresponding specification.