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Depiction of a samurai with sashimono, color woodcut by Kuniyoshi , 1853

A sashimono ( Japanese 指物 , German roughly: "Pointing thing") is a standard carried on the back by Japanese samurai .

As the armies grew, the sashimono attached to the back of the armor made it easier to identify and identify the fighters. The sashimono was marked with the general's mon . The flag shaft ( uke utsu ) was put into a round or square sleeve ( machi uke ).


  • Thomas D. Conlan: Samurai warriors. Weapons and combat technology of the Japanese warriors 1200 - 1877. Motorbuch-Verlag et al., Stuttgart et al. 2009, ISBN 978-3-613-30632-5 .

Web links

Commons : Sashimono  - collection of images, videos and audio files