Erdős-Rado's theorem

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The Erdős-Rado theorem , named after Paul Erdős and Richard Rado , is a mathematical theorem in the field of set theory . It makes a statement about how large a quantity must be in order to have a certain decomposition property.

The arrow notation

For a set, let the set of all -element subsets of , where be a natural number. For cardinal numbers , , one writes


if the following statement is correct:

If there is a decomposition of into many (pairwise disjoint) subsets, then at least one of these decomposition sets contains a subset of the form , where has cardinality .

This arrow notation, which can be traced back to P. Erdős and R. Rado, should be illustrated here with a few examples. The case simply means that when a is broken down into parts, at least one part must have the power . So alone thickness reasons applies to infinite cardinal numbers that , or , where the Aleph notation is for the smallest infinite cardinal. You only get more interesting, i.e. less trivial, statements just in case . So Ramsey's theorem can be formulated in arrow notation as follows:

for all natural numbers .

Note that the statement remains correct if you go to larger cardinal numbers or if you reduce one of the sizes . In the arrow notation, the sizes are separated by the arrow according to their monotony behavior, which is at least a memory aid.

If the statement does not apply, one also writes . If so, some authors make the index like away.

W. Sierpiński has shown for infinite cardinal numbers that

, or more precisely

where denotes the successor cardinal number of .

Formulation of the sentence

Using the above arrow notation and the Beth function , Erdős-Rado's theorem reads:

  • for all natural numbers .

For is and Erdős-Rado's theorem only says , that is, when dividing into countably many parts, at least one part must have cardinality , and that means that there is an uncountable union of countable sets. Only for do you get non-trivial statements.

The above statement, which goes back to Sierpiński, says for that , or because of the monotony for everyone . Erdős-Rado's theorem now makes the positive statement for everyone , because one receives for and the monotony of the arrow notation leads to the desired statement.

The above theorem allows the following generalization to higher thicknesses, which is also referred to as Erdős-Rado's theorem. For an infinite cardinal number, define recursively


Then applies

  • for all natural numbers and all infinite cardinal numbers .

This result is sharp, i.e. the cardinal number on the left side of the arrow cannot be replaced by a smaller one. Therefore Erdős-Rado's theorem is a statement about how large a cardinal number must be in order for the partition property to be fulfilled: It must be.

For is , and one obtains the Erdős-Rado theorem mentioned above as a special case. From the monotonic properties of the arrow notation it follows from the case of Erdős-Rado's theorem:

for all infinite cardinal numbers .
