Erdős theorem (number theory)

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The set of Erdős is a theorem of number theory , one of the branches of mathematics . It goes back to the important Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdős .

The theorem is related to a conjecture formulated in 1849 by the French mathematician Alphonse de Polignac (1817-1890) , which states that every odd natural number has   a representation     where     a natural number is while     a prime number is or     .  

With his theorem Erdős was able to show that Polignac's conjecture is wrong in an infinite number of cases.


The sentence can be stated as follows:

There is an infinite arithmetic sequence , which consists of all odd natural numbers     ,
of which “none” can be represented in the form     with an integer   and a prime number   .    

Lemma to prove it

The proof of the theorem is based on the following elementary lemma:

Every natural number     always fulfills at least one of the following six congruences .

From this it follows that     one of six further congruences must always be fulfilled, with the help of which one wins the sentence using the Chinese remainder of the sentence.


  • Paul Erdős: On integers of the form 2 k + p and some related problems . In: Summa Brasiliensis Mathematicae . tape 2 , 1950, p. 113-123 ( [PDF]).
  • Wacław Sierpiński : Elementary Theory of Numbers (=  North-Holland Mathematical Library . Volume 31 ). 2nd revised and expanded edition. North-Holland ( inter alia), Amsterdam ( inter alia ) 1988, ISBN 0-444-86662-0 ( MR0930670 ).

References and footnotes

  1. a b Sierpiński: p. 445.
  2. Erdős: On integers of the form 2 k + p and some related problems . In: Summa Brasiliensis Mathematicae . tape 2 , 1950, p. 113 .