Hardy and Ramanujan theorem

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The set of Hardy and Ramanujan from number theory states that the number of distinct prime factors of a whole number , the normal order has. The theorem was proven in 1917 by Godfrey Harold Hardy and S. Ramanujan .

An arithmetic function is of normal magnitude if holds for each

for almost all n, that is, the proportion of those for which the inequality does not apply, tends towards zero.

The following applies more precisely:

The number of for which

holds, is of the order for each (with the Landau symbols , that is, the proportion of those for which the inequality holds, vanishes asymptotically for ).

The proof can be found in the Hardy and Wright number theory textbook. Pál Turán gave a simplified proof in 1934. Turán extended the theorem to include other strongly additive, arithmetic functions.

Hubert Delange proved in 1953 that essentially has a Gaussian normal distribution, which is also the subject of Erdős-Kac's theorem .

The theorem also applies to the function in which the prime factors are summed with their multiplicity.

Individual evidence

  1. Hardy, Ramanujan: The normal number of prime factors of a number n. In: Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Volume 48, 1917, pp. 76-92.
  2. a b Hardy, Wright: An Introduction to number theory. Oxford University Press, 1975, p. 356. Translation: Introduction to Number Theory . Oldenbourg, Munich 1958, p. 404.
  3. Hardy, Wright: Introduction to Number Theory . Oldenbourg, Munich 1958, p. 405.
  4. ^ Pál Turán: On a theorem of Hardy and Ramanujan. In: Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Volume 9, 1934, pp. 274-276.
  5. Delange, Compte Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, Volume 237, 1953, pp. 543-544. According to Halberstam: About additive number theoretic functions. J. Reine Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 195, 1955, p. 210, SUB Göttingen .
  6. Erdös, Kac, Am. J. Math., Volume 38, 1940, pp. 738-742, and Alfred Renyi, Pal Turan: On a theorem of Erdös-Kac. Acta Arithmetica, Volume 4, 1958, pp. 71-84, digitized .