Sauce soubise

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Saddle of veal Orloff with soubise and mushrooms

Sauce Soubise (also short: Soubise ) is a preparation of onion puree, which is more of a coulis than a sauce . It was created in the 17th to 18th centuries, like the other refined preparations of the French cuisine, bechamel, mirepoix and mayonnaise. Depending on the intended use, it is produced using two methods:

  • Blanched onion cubes, steamed white in butter, are cooked in béchamel , seasoned with salt, sugar and white pepper, strained with sauce, refined with butter and cream
  • rice porridge is used instead of béchamel, otherwise as described.

Soubise is widely used, for example for gratinating meat dishes, for nappies or, apart from that, as a side dish for meat or as a vegetable filling.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Robuchon, Joël: Larousse gastronomique . Larousse, Paris 1996, ISBN 2-03-507300-6 , pp. 944, 994 .
  2. ^ Herrmann, F. Jürgen: Textbook for cooks . White onion sauce. Handwerk und Technik, Hamburg 1999, ISBN 3-582-40055-7 , p. 48, 115, 203 .
  3. a b A. Escoffier's culinary art guide. Sauce Soubise, Onion Sauce, Soubise. P. 36 , accessed on September 17, 2019 (German).