Sautes situm orange

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Saut Situmorang (born June 29, 1966 in Tebing Tinggi , North Sumatra ) is an Indonesian writer who writes poetry , short stories and essays .


Situmorang grew up in Medan . He lived in New Zealand for eleven years from 1989 to 2000 , where he studied English and Indonesian language and literature at Victoria University of Wellington and the University of Auckland . For his poems he was awarded a prize at Victoria University in 1992 and at Auckland University in 1997. He writes in Indonesian and English, and his work has been published in Indonesia, New Zealand and Australia. His poetry collections in Indonesian are "Saut kecil bicara dengan Tuhan" (Little Saut speaks to God, 2003) and "Catatan subversif" (Subversive Notes, 2004). Among other things, he is active in the cyber community


  • Saut kecil bicara dengan Tuhan. 2003
  • Catatan subversive. 2004
  • Cyber ​​Grafiti: Polemic Sastra Cyberpunk. 2004
  • Otobiografi: kumpulan puisi, 1987-2007. 2007
  • Politics sastra. 2009

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