Emergency response group

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A Rapid Response Group Rescue Service (SEG-RD) refers to a specialty of a rapid response group that supports and expands the full-time rescue service in the event of major damage .

Range of tasks

Typical tasks of a rapid response group are:

  • Occupation of free life-saving equipment,
  • Care and support for the injured,
  • Support of emergency services and other aid organizations,
  • Provision of material and technology,
  • Transport of injured and / or affected persons,
  • Implementation of medical operations at major events.

Qualification of the helpers

Often these are off-duty employees of the rescue service. Sometimes there are also voluntary emergency rescue service groups, whose helpers can be trained to be rescue workers , paramedics , paramedics or paramedics .

Capacity and technology

The capacity of a rapid response group varies. A rapid-response rescue service group can occupy free rescue equipment from the rescue service and is then comparable to a rescue service support group in Bavaria. Frequently such SEG has however its own ambulance and other ambulances .