Weak follow-up closed set

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Weakly sequential set is a term from topology , a sub-area of mathematics . It generalizes the concept of the closed set when it is viewed as the set of all limit values . Sets closed with weak sequences can be found in the discussion of properties of weak topologies and in the solution of distance problems in reflexive Banach spaces .


A standardized space is given . A non-empty subset is called weakly sequence- closed if and only if for every sequence in the set that weakly converges to the weak limit value , the limit value is again in the set .


  • Every weakly sequence-closed set is also closed, since every convergent sequence also weakly converges. But the reverse is not true.
  • Every non-empty closed and convex subset of a normalized space is weakly sequence closed.
  • Mazur's theorem follows directly from this : If there is a weakly convergent sequence in a normalized space with a weak limit value , then is .
  • The epigraph of a function is weakly sequence closed if and only if the function is weakly subsematic .

See also
