Weak convergence in L p

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The weak convergence in and the weak convergence in are two closely related convergence terms for sequences of functions from measure theory . They are a special case of weak convergence in the sense of functional analysis for sequences in L p spaces . It should be noted that there are several different concepts of weak convergence in measure theory and stochastics , and these should not be confused with one another. In contrast to the weak convergence in or , the norm convergence, that is to say the convergence in the p-th mean, is then also referred to as strong convergence in or .


Given is a measure space as well as and , thus with , the index to be conjugated . In addition, let out , in short , the space of p-fold integrable functions . The sequence of functions is said to be weakly convergent against if it holds for all that

is. The weak convergence of functions is defined analogously . You then write in both cases .


In functional analysis , weak convergence is understood to mean the following: starting from a normalized vector space , the topological dual space is formed


A sequence in is then called weakly convergent to if

is. If we now consider as normed vector space to for , the dual space is norm isomorphic to (see also duality of Lp-spaces ), with the to conjugate Index is so . Every element from the dual space is then of the form


Thus a sequence of weakly converges in if

for all that corresponds to the definition given above. The weak convergence in is thus a special case of the weak convergence in the sense of functional analysis and also a standard example of this.


The limit of a weakly convergent sequence in only up to a - null set uniquely determined. This means that if the sequence of functions converges weakly against and weakly against, then - is almost everywhere .

Accordingly, the limit value in the case of the weak convergence is clearly determined due to the insensitivity to zero quantities.

Relationship to other convergence terms

Customized local convergence

From the convergence locally made to measure , the weak convergence may follow. If a sequence from converges to locally according to measure and if the sequence of real numbers is bounded, then the sequence also converges weakly to .

For this statement is generally not correct, as the following example shows: If one considers the measure space , then the sequence converges

locally made to measure towards 0 and it's for everyone . But then for the constant function it is off


Thus the sequence does not converge weakly to 0.

Convergence in the pth mean

Every sequence that converges in the p-th mean also converges for weak, because it follows from the Hölder inequality


thus there is a convergent majorante. The limit values ​​then match. The Radon-Riesz also provides the reversal on one condition. It says that for a function sequence converges in the p-th mean if and only if it converges weakly and the sequence of the norms of the function sequence converges to the norm of the limit function.
