Tail strip torpedo catfish

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Tail strip torpedo catfish
Dianema urostriata.JPG

Tail strip torpedo catfish ( Dianema urostriatum )

Order : Catfish (Siluriformes)
Subordination : Loricarioidei
Family : Armored and calloused catfish (Callichthyidae)
Subfamily : Callous catfish (Callichthyinae)
Genre : Dianema
Type : Tail strip torpedo catfish
Scientific name
Dianema urostriatum
( Miranda-Ribeiro , 1912)

The tail-striped torpedo cat ( Dianema urostriatum ) originates from the waters of Brazil and reaches a length of up to 12 cm. The strikingly drawn fish is characterized by a slender, elongated body and the black and white longitudinally striped caudal fin.

The tail strip torpedo cat is well suited for keeping in aquariums , also in community pools, as long as this is large enough to offer the fish free swimming space despite its length. The peaceful schooling fish lives more than other catfish species, which mainly live on the bottom of the water, in the higher water regions and prefers to swim with its head against the current.

The male, which differs from the female in that it has thicker pectoral fin spines , builds a foam nest at the water level in which the female lays the fertilized eggs. During this time, the nest and the territory are guarded by the male.

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