Swiss professional photographer and photo designer

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Swiss professional photographers and photo designers (SBF), Photographes professionnels et photodesigner Suisses , Fotografi professionisti e fotodesigner Svizzeri , Swiss professional photographers and photo designers is a Swiss association within the meaning of Art. 60 ff. ZGB . The purpose of the association is to protect the interests of its members in terms of both material and non-materiality.


On August 9, 1886, 22 photographers from German and French-speaking Switzerland founded the Swiss Photographers Association in the “Old Casino” in Bern .


  • Raising the profession through training the next generation and promoting further education;
  • Protection of the interests of its members in ideal and material terms vis-à-vis the public, authorities and third parties;
  • Taking on tasks that the state assigns to professional organizations;
  • Maintaining consensus among its members as well as with the sections and specialist groups.


The organs of the association are the assembly of delegates , the board of directors, the control body and the commissions. The association is divided into regional sections and, if necessary, into specialist groups. These are:

Photographers, photo designers as well as legal and other natural persons who are professionally involved in photography can be accepted as members of the association. Junior members can join during their training and can belong to this category for a maximum of two years after completing their training. As a partner members legal persons apply - and as a patron of individuals who want to support the association moral and material.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Association statutes (PDF; 125 kB)