Swiss Society for Ornithology and Bird Protection

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The Ala - Swiss Society for Ornithology and Bird Protection is an association that aims to promote ornithological research and lay ornithology in Switzerland and to work for the protection of birds and their habitats.

In 1924 the Ala founded the Swiss Ornithological Institute, which has made a name for itself internationally as a research institute in the field of ornithology. Even today, the Ala provides several boards of trustees of the ornithological station, including the presidium.

As a national organization, Ala is a member of BirdLife Switzerland . In addition, together with Nos Oiseaux, Ficedula and the Swiss Ornithological Institute , it forms the Swiss Working Group for Scientific Ornithology SAWO.

The Ala has been editor of the journal Der Ornithologische Beobachter since the beginning .

Other activities include looking after 16 protected areas in German-speaking Switzerland. Reserve caretakers carry out breeding bird mapping in their protected areas every year. The reserve team reports annually in the Ornithological Observer in issue 2 about the activities in the reserves.

Protected areas:

  • Alpnacherried: where the Chli Schliere flows into Lake Lucerne with three larger peninsulas and one island, all of which are separated from each other by dredging holes. Breeding birds: little grebes and great crested grebes, gray herons (small colony on the island), black kite, reed warbler and reed bunting. The area is a floodplain and a moor of national importance (No. 1953) and a cantonal nature reserve.
  • Baldeggersee: Lake with reed meadows with species such as lung gentian and caraway-leaved Silge on the north bank. Breeding birds: great crested grebe, white stork, black kite, water rail, cuckoo, small woodpecker, reed warbler and reed bunting. The area is partly flat moor of national importance (No. 2387), amphibian spawning area of ​​national importance (LU213) and a cantonal nature reserve.
  • Boniswilerried: Largest remaining bog in the canton of Aargau with an area of ​​around 40 hectares. The reed is home to a large number of rare and protected plants, including at least 13 types of orchid. Breeding birds: little bittern, kingfisher, small woodpecker, swirl and oriole. The area is a flat moor (No. 2787) and an amphibian spawning area (AG96) of national importance and a cantonal nature reserve.
  • Fanel .
  • Fräschelsweiher
  • Frauenwinkel
  • Gerlafinger Weiher
  • Häftli
  • Heideweg
  • Lauerzersee
  • Neeracherried
  • Pfäffikersee
  • Lower Rhine island Rüdlingen
  • Lower Greifensee
  • Weissenau
  • Wengimoos

In addition, Ala offers educational opportunities in the field of ornithology such as courses, excursions and trips, organizes symposia, supports field ornithological research and enables young researchers to participate in conferences and congresses. Ala is also part of the sponsorship of, the internet platform for reporting bird watching.

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