Swiss Association of Motorists and Motorcyclists

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The Swiss Automobile and Motorcyclist Association (SAM) was founded in 1927 under the name Ostschweizerischer Motorradfahrer Verband (OMV) in Weinfelden TG. The aim of the SAM is to bring together motorized road users to form an organized association.

He supports the promotion of the general motor vehicle system by advocating the traffic of motor vehicles and defense against unjustified bans, regulations and burdens, respecting the legal regulations, combating all negative excesses of motor driving, active support of measures and information of the members about traffic education, protection of interests and Rights of the members through membership in umbrella and corresponding associations, cultivation of camaraderie and the exchange of ideas, the opportunity to participate in official motorsport motocross , supermoto , freestyle , hill climbing , auto-skill driving and trial events.

The SAM has around 70 sections with 6,500 members, it publishes its official association organ “Motorjournal”, which appears 12 times a year, and issues the customs document “Carnet de Passages”. Its purpose is to found and add further sections (including brand clubs).

The SAM pays service compensation to its members for domestic breakdown assistance, international breakdown assistance (against payment of a fee), legal advice, damage from wild animals and marten, subsidies for safety courses and protective helmets, and an advertising bonus for each newly recruited member.

The following motorsports are held in the SAM, all of which are part of the SAM Swiss Championship:

Motocross: approx. 300 licenses, approx. 12 events per year
Supermoto: approx. 250 licenses, approx. 8 events per year
Trial: approx. 50 licenses, approx. 10 events per year
Skill driving: no license required, approx. 8 events per year

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