Swiss Social Museum

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The "Assets" room with a representation of Swiss government revenues and expenditures from 1850 to 1910.

The Swiss Social Museum in Zurich , founded in 1916, presented a collection on Swiss economic and population history as well as special exhibitions on trade unions and cooperatives .

The initiator of the museum was City Councilor Paul Pflüger . The museum, which was hardly noticed from its inception, was initially domiciled in the Helmhaus am Limmatquai and was opened on March 17, 1928 at a new location, the Beckenhof. The museum was subordinate to the statistical office of the city of Zurich.

Display boards explained statistics on the world's population, others described the occupational composition of the local population, fertility, the tuberculosis situation, tax revenues in various cities and the replacement of labor by machines.

The museum was temporarily headed by Carl Brüschweiler .

See also


  • Swiss Social Museum . In: Union review for Switzerland . tape 20 , No. 4. Swiss Trade Union Confederation, April 1928, p. 139 , doi : 10.5169 / seals-352340 ( [PDF; 3.0 MB ]).