Felsenau swimming pool

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The Felsenau swimming pool in the Frastanz district of Fellengatter is the oldest open-air swimming pool in Vorarlberg and has existed since 1903. The buildings of the open-air swimming pool are listed .

Felsenau swimming pool, Fellengattner Straße 7 Frastanz.JPG


After a long planning period with a search for a location, the swimming pool was opened on July 23, 1903, after a construction period of two and a half months. The local construction companies Caspar Hilty and Seraphim Pümpel, as well as the Keck company responsible for the water installations, built a pool of 32 × 30 m with a depth of 0.5 to 3 m, 37 cabins and other sanitary facilities. Bathing was done separately according to sex. This regulation was not lifted until 1938. A closure was envisaged in the late 1970s due to emerging competition, but was averted by renovations in 1982 (including pseudoscientific " water revitalization ") and 1991 (water heating by solar energy ).


The pool has a 33 × 30 m swimming pool with a non-swimmer area and a diving board. There is a child-friendly slide in the children's pool . In the swimming pool, numerous display boards remind of the long history of the bath.

Web links

Commons : Felsenau swimming pool  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 47 ° 13 '37.35 "  N , 9 ° 36' 7.86"  E