Scientific Monthly

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The popular science magazine " The Scientific Monthly " was founded in October 1915 by James McKeen Cattell (1860-1944) and distributed by "The Science Press" in New York.

McKeen Cattell had already taken over the editing of the science newspaper Popular Science Monthly , which had been published since 1872, in 1900 and thus obtained orders from his own publishing house Science Press from 1901. In an editorial message in the September issue of 1915, he suggested to his readers that he wanted to achieve broader acceptance with the new name “ The Scientific Monthly ”. At the beginning of 1916, however, from then on he distributed two science magazines a month. Both had a volume of approx. 100 pages and were bound in anthologies every six months. They both dealt with current developments in all areas of an engineered society in the USA .

" The Scientific Monthly " was discontinued at the end of 1957 and the editorial team was taken over by Science magazine , while " Popular Science " is still published monthly today.

Internet archive

The first editions up to 1923 are accessible via the internet archive.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE - THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY AND THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY in Popular Science Monthly 87, Issue 9, Page 307 (1915).
  2. ^ Scientific Monthly - history of all issues.
  3. Popular Science - History of all issues.

Web links

Wikisource: Popular Science Monthly  - Sources and full texts (English)
Commons : Popular Science Monthly  - collection of pictures, videos, and audio files
Wikisource: The Scientific Monthly  - Sources and full texts (English)
Commons : The Scientific Monthly  - collection of images, videos and audio files