Seal Team Four

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Seal Team Four


Seal Team Four badge
Country Flag of the United States.svg United States
Armed forces United States Department of Defense Seal.svg United States Armed Forces
Armed forces Seal of the United States Department of the Navy, svg US Navy
Type maritime anti-terrorist unit
Strength Unknown (approx. 160)
Insinuation Navsoc logo.jpg NAVSPECWARCOM USSOCOM
United States Special Operations Command Insignia.svg
Location Little Creek , Virginia
Calls Operation Nifty Package (1989)
commander nn
Deputy nn

The Seal Team Four (also called SEAL Team 4 or SEAL Team FOUR ) is part of the US special forces unit of the United States Navy Seals .

Seal Team Four has a Hispanic background and is deployed worldwide, but mainly in Mexico and South America because of the Hispanic background . It consists of ten trains ( English platoon) and thus approximately includes 160 soldiers.

Web links

Commons : SEAL Team 4  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. SEAL Team Four commander in Afghanistan 'commits suicide': Married father is found shot dead. In: Dayli Mail. December 23, 2013, accessed September 18, 2014 .