Sea quark
As sea quarks (engl. Sea quark ) refers to virtual Quark - Anti quark pairs that near in hadron bound curd ( current quark ) from Gluons and out of the vacuum created and destroyed again immediately afterwards ( vacuum fluctuation ). This process creates a "lake" of gluons, quarks and anti-quarks around the actual current or valence quark, between which there is strong interaction .
Although the quarks with a flavor up , down (and with some limitation also strange ) are relatively light, this interaction leads to a significant increase in the effective mass of the quarks in question. This explains the observed mass of the hadrons made up of quarks such as protons and neutrons , which are each greater than the sum of the masses of their valence quarks. In contrast, the masses of the heavy quarks charm , top and bottom are so high that they are not significantly influenced by the sea quarks.
The name sea quark comes from the older name “ Dirac lake ” for the vacuum state of the relativistic quantum field theory, in which pairs of particles and antiparticles are also constantly created and destroyed.