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Segovax was one of those four kings of the Cantiaci tribe who settled in what is now Kent . BC against the Roman general Gaius Iulius Caesar, who invaded Britain for the second time, took to the field.

On behalf of the highest British military leader Cassivellaunus, Segovax and the three other kings Kents, Cingetorix , Carvilius and Taximagulus , attacked Caesar's camp , but were defeated by the Roman guards of the fleet. Upon hearing of the outcome of this battle, Cassivellaunus concluded a settlement with Caesar. After that, Segovax is no longer mentioned.

The sego tribe of the Celtic name Segovax means violence or power.



  1. ^ Caesar, De bello Gallico 5, 22, 1f.
  2. ^ Friedrich Münzer : Segovax. In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume II A, 1, Stuttgart 1921, Sp. 1089.