Sehafe Teezaz

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Sehafe Teezaz , also S'ahafi Te'azzaz ( who writes down the orders ) was the title of the imperial historian and court chronicler in early imperial Ethiopia . The title was introduced by Emperor Amda Seyon I (1314-1344) to record the events of his reign. Due to its importance at the imperial court, the function of the Sehafe Teezaz could only be performed by a high dignitary who had the dignity of an Azzaz .

Over the centuries, the title of Sehafe Teezaz increased in importance. As Minister of the Pen he then sat in the imperial Ethiopian government and exercised the function of keeper of the seals. Besides, all the emperor's orders passed through his hands. At that time, the Sehafe Teezaz could be appointed by the emperor. The title of Sehafe Teezaz corresponded to the dignity of a Dejazmach .


  • Andrzej Bartnicki, Joanna Mantel-Niecko: History of Ethiopia. From the beginning to the present . Edited by Renate Richter. 2 parts. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1978.